
本校畢業生梁皓言同學於本學年表現卓越,現獲拔萃男書院取錄。 梁皓言同學本年度並於「學、體、藝」各方面取得佳績,其中包括:「青少年領袖獎勵計劃2024 優秀學生🎖️」「學界男子甲組60米冠軍🥇」「學界男子甲組4×400米接力賽季軍🥉」「學界男子甲組跳高殿軍🏆」「男子團體排球 傑出運動員🏆」「西貢區分齡田徑比賽 男子4×400米接力賽冠軍🥇」「西貢區分齡田徑比賽 男子100米亞軍🥈」「香港學校朗誦節 英詩獨誦優良獎🏆」「香港國際表演藝術節音樂大賽(香港區)大提琴組別 第三名🥉」等。再次恭喜梁皓言同學,祝願新一年學業進步、生活愉快!

A story that enlightens ‘monster parents’ in 5 minutes’

If you ask me, in the decades of teaching experience, what are the most unforgettable moments, I would unhesitatingly answer the stories that enlighten people. Why am I so attracted to enlightening moments? Because enlightenment is a form of “higher-level education,” and as someone who deeply loves education, these moments are particularly memorable.

Storytelling education, what can parents do?

Many parents have asked me about storytelling topics that are challenging to explain to young children, such as stories involving death, like “The Little Match Girl,” or stories with violence, like “Little Red Riding Hood.” Due to the detailed depiction of events in the storybooks and lifelike illustrations, children may experience significant fear of death after listening to or reading such stories. They might be unable to express their inner discomfort, and some children even burst into tears after hearing these stories. What was originally meant to be an enjoyable parent-child storytelling time ends up having the opposite effect, triggering a heavy psychological burden on the children and leaving parents feeling guilty and unsure of how to handle the aftermath.

Be a parent with multiple expressions and poses!

When a child is around 6 months old, they start babbling, constantly making sounds and single words. They also enjoy playing with toys that make sounds. However, even before they learn to speak, they already understand how to communicate with the people around them using crying, sounds, facial expressions, gestures, or body language. In fact, children first learn to communicate with people using facial expressions and gestures, then they learn verbal communication, and finally, they learn to communicate through text. Therefore, accurately recognizing other people’s facial expressions helps in assessing their emotions and attitudes, thus influencing a child’s cognitive development, emotional development, and social skills. Parents’ facial expressions, actions, and postures are often what children find most attractive.